Friday, November 2, 2012

Is it just me, or does the Media think we're really that stupid?

I am so sick of the election.  I'm so sick of just everything about it.  But what gets me the most is the blatent and obvious agenda the main stream media is attempting to perpetrate on the American People.  OK, Fox is just as bad on the right, there I said it.  One has to watch both and try to determine the truth.

The question I pose is this.  Do you guys who are in the Media actually think the population of people in the U.S. are as stupid as you think we are?  I don't.  I think the people in the U.S. are a lot smarter than we are all made out to be.  And what reiegns in each camp is this sense of extremism and single interest voting that is literally dividing us as a nation and giving opportunity to those who want chaos and confusion.

The other night, I watched as woman was screeching about Roe versus Wade being overturned as soon as Romney gets in office.  This is complete bunk, this decision has been upheld so many times, it is not something that will probably ever be overturned - even if there were seven conservatives on the bench.

The president has a lot less power than we think he does, but has to take all of the responsibility for what happens.  During the last election, my wife and I used to have these long discussions about that if Obama got elected he'd not do many of the things he said he'd do - because we are not nor was he of the full story of what is going on behind the scenes of each and every thing.

I voted for Obama because I did want change.  I had hope, I had a lot of good feelings - to me electing our first black president was simply amazing in and of itself and he was talking about the thing which interested me (Universal Healthcare).

Let's just take a look at a few of the things I remember from his election promises.

1. He'd shut down Gitmo.  Still happening.

2. He would reduce the deficit.  It's ballooned to a staggering amount.

3. He'd pass healthcare.  What I saw happen is he stepped back and just let it happen.  I mean, even Nancy said "we don't know what' s in it, we need to pass it to find out."  Huh?

But the thing I'm the maddest about is the rising prices we're seeing.  Gas is almost $4.00 a gallon, a few years ago my family laughed at me and scoffed at me and said it'd never get that high.  He shut down all off shore drilling, so gas keeps going up and up and up and I think it's exactly as planned.

The GM bailout.  If the GM bailout was such a great thing, why was Delta allowed to go through a reorganization in the regular manner and they are doing quite well now.  The taxpayers own a large chunk of GM and it will be an albatross on the taxpayer's neck for many years to come.  Basically, what upset me the most about this situation is the fact the entire legal system was ignored and many dealers lives were ruined.

And the latest storm where the press is dancing in front of the president with baskets of roses leading the way for him to do whatever he wants.  There are things going on just like there were when the last Hurricane hit, but this time the left media is in charge saying what great "leadership" the guy is showing.  Don't know about you, but leadership is something other than running around making speeches.

There is no accountability for this man.  He blames every problem we have on the previous president, and regardless of inheriting something bad - has only in my book been a whiner and a finger pointer to the evil George W. Bush.  (I sometimes wonder if former President Bush just sits and laughs at things.)

And finally the worst thing.  Not meeting with Israel.  One of the saddest days in American history when one of our Ambassadors was murdered at the hands of some extremists, and many of the things leading up to the killings might make one believe there was full knowledge of what was going on.  When the prime minister was here, no meeting because there was "no time" and the entire middle east if about to go up in flames.

That, Mr. Obama, is my greatest disappointment in you as a president.  When we send people over to foreign countries, we need to make sure you have their back - and you failed on this point.  Sir, I know in my heart that eventually when you look in the mirror,  you will see those who you abandoned standing behind you - and you are going to have to live with this the rest of your life.

Speaking of accountability, what happened to the trillion dollar bail out fund?  No accountability for that.  What about the whole switching over our energy consumption to solar and wind, money thrown to companies and they're bankrupt - someone got rich and it was not me.

I can go on and on.  I believe our office of president has become something of a joke, the president was something I respected and looked up to when I was a kid.  The president acted presidential and never stooped so low as our current president has in just ruining the office.  It seems there is more interest in appearing with celebs, than there is in running the country.

What I would give for an honest media report on what is actually going on and stop this silliness of trying to shield a candidate from any bad press.  What I would give for an organization which would rise above the whole idealism and just report the news.  With what I see reported, one has to wonder if there isn't a class at Journalism school entitled "Brainwashing the American People."

In many respects the right is no better, but the left doesn't even try to hide it.  One of the defining moments in this election was when a moderator for a debate helped the President.  Backlash?  Nope.

So my question this coming Tuesday is this.  Are we a country who has a population who can see through the obvious fabrications the media is giving us, or are we a country who are just a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter looking right now for a bunch of "free stuff".  (Gotta get me one of them ObamaPhones.)

I doubt if much of anyone reads this, but for those of you who do, I hope one of you is a journalist and you might do some soul searching and start doing what you are supposed to do in the first place and that is find a story, dig up the truth, and let the American People know what the truth is.  In some respects, if  you are just a mouth piece for the government, what will the future bring?  Isn't this how the Third Reich started?