Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Where Is It All Going?

We live in very frustrating times.  I wanted to pre-apologize to all of my good international friends (one of my best is from Portugal) and tell them a few things about what you might be seeing on the media.

First of all, there is going to be released a report on torture the CIA did after the 9/11 terrorism act.  This report seems to be politically motivated by our president and Senate who want to take a leaving shot at the in-coming conservative controlled congress we will have.  I cannot believe this report is going to be released, and I believe it will cost lives both American and otherwise - so just be prepared for it.  Me personally, I do not condone torture in any way shape or form and I believe most responsible americans don't.  However, I must say if I was in a room with a guy who knew where my missing 8 year old daughter was and I knew he knew where she was - I don't know what I'd do as a Dad to make my children safe.  I think it is irresponsible and just shows how out of touch Washington is with the rest of the country.

I'm going to admit something.  I voted for Obama.  I believed he was going to change things and was as excited as everyone else at the promise shown.  However, with each day, I become more and more dissappointed in this man's approach to what was the most powerful position in the world.  I believe he's made us even more of a laughingstock, and realized all the promises he made could not be fulfilled because it's simply impossible to fulfill everything he said.  Unions are now suing him over Obamacare, saying this plan will bankrupt them in no time at all.

Let's review a few of the things I felt I've been lied to about:

1. When Benghazi happened, he said it was from a video knowing full well it was a terrorist act.  He watched as 4 brave Americans died, worrying about the election rather than what was right.
2. Promise of lower healthcare costs when I know my friend in a company is now paying 30% more in premiums.  Good theory, get the young to pay for the old, but the young are finding it cheaper to pay the penalty.
3. I can keep my doctor.  The plans are so bad and don't create competition, it is impossible to keep your doctor if you switch to a cheaper plan.
4. The way in which this president and his inexperienced cronies have inserted themselves into issues should be illegal.

  • Devastation of the coal industry.  You think the Democrats lost the south because of anything but destroying their economy, don't fool yourself.  We have the largest coal reserves in the U.S. but we aren't going to use them, we're just going to ruin economies and destroy people's lives.
  • The office of the President must be "above" any other office in the land.  By continually inserting himself in making comments on race and police - he's brought the entire office down to a level we've never seen before.
  • My favorite - assigning an ambassador to Peru who cannot speak spanish and assigning an ambassador based on her giving $1.4 million dollars to his campaign - and her qualification is she was the producer of a soap opera.
  • There is no interest in having a race dialog.  They are right, we are wrong.  Forget my ancestors fought for the Union Army to free slaves, I'm an evil white man.
  • Golf golf golf.  Playing golf when a man's head is being chopped off.
We can go on and on and on.  I'm truly scared for this country and have a message for the Republicans I voted in.  You'd better not do politics as usual.  You'd better get changes done.  You politicians need to start worrying about the "us" out here and not the big corporations and interest groups.  Business cannot go on as usual.

So again to my international friends, we are not what our media portrays.  We are just like you.  We have families, we have jobs, and we have hopes - and we have to change so those hopes can be realized into the future.

What do you think?


  1. Kerry Thompson12/09/2014

    It is time that we are reminded of the Four cornerstones of Liberty. The first being Faith: trust in God understanding that this is His promised land preserved for those who believe trust and follow Him. The second is Morality.
    Having a desire and drive to live an honest life, preserve virtue and maintain dignity of those around you. The third is the law. A law of man conceived and formed by the citizens that provided safety and security for all. With all men being equal under the LAW. This law is also balanced with both Justice and mercy. Forth is Education. An education based on faith Morality obedience and work with the purpose to seek the truth to advance uplift and propel us to our infinite potential. Liberty is the power to overcome tyrants abroad and internal. Liberty mitigates fear and oppression, Liberty allows the individual to achieve and prosper while blessing and edifying those around him. This is what and why our nation is the promised land we may not of formed it but we are responsible to maintain and magnify it.

  2. Amen. I just hope the adults get put in charge before these idiots wreck the country.
